How do I handle deviations?

Read about how to handle deviations and who is allowed to do it.

Different views of the menu item Deviations

Who is allowed to handle deviations depends on the user type and role. You can handle deviations if your user has one of the following:

  • User type Admin
  • The role of safety representative
  • Was appointed as deviation responsible

The screen will then contain all deviations registered in the company, sorted by status. By clicking on Improvement, you can also see all improvement suggestions that have been registered.


If you are not an admin, safety representative or deviation responsible, you will get a different view. Then you will only see the deviations that you have registered yourself.

Choosing deviation responsible

To choose who is responsible for deviations, go to company settings in the menu at the top right, select general and then HSE system. Here you can now choose who will be responsible for deviations.

Handle deviations

By using the various filters at the top, you can choose which deviations you want to see. You can filter on deviations registered between specific dates, deviations per department or based on who registered them. To change the status of the deviation, click and hold on the deviation, and drag it into the status field you want to change to. You can click on the deviation to see all the details, and if you wish you can change the status in here too.

You can add more information about how the deviation has been handled, and also add tasks if desired. A deviation with unfinished tasks cannot be set to completed.

Once the deviation has been processed, the status can be set to completed. Now, the deviation will be automatically locked. This means that only the administrator can choose to unlock it if more changes need to be made. The deviation responbsible and safety representative can then only see the information and download a PDF.