How do I create a risk analysis?

Find out how you create a risk analysis, how to revise it and what other functionality there is.

Perform the riskanalysis

By clicking on "New" you start a new risk analysis, where in the first two steps you must fill in general information and who is participating in the risk analysis. In the third step, you carry out the actual risk assessment. If you have chosen to use a template, the items from the template are displayed here. If you have not selected a template, you must fill in the items yourself. You can see at any time how the various risks will be placed in a risk matrix, by clicking on "Preview risk matrix" which you can see at the bottom of the screen.

If you already have existing measures that reduce the risk, these must be filled in here and taken into account when you assess probability and consequence. If you for example already have a measure that reduces the probability of the risk occurring, then the probability can be assessed as lower.

By clicking on the small arrow to the right, you can open the drawer and fill in more information. You can create an action plan with new risk-reducing measures so that you can accept, or eliminate, remaining risks. The measures you create will become tasks for those who are put in charge.

The action plan will be created when you finalize the risk analysis and those who are responsible will be given their tasks. In the Action Plan column you can see how many of the tasks/measures have been completed, and if you click on the link you will get a full overview of the action plan. Risks that are assessed as low risk and that have no ongoing measures can be found in the lower list. Risks that are assessed as medium and high risk, and risks assessed as low risk but that have measures attached to them, can be found in the top list. If the status is Completed, it means that all measures created for that risk have also been completed.

You can see the risk analysis at any time byt clicking on the name in the list. Then you will get to a detail page where you can see all info you have filled out. In here you can also choose to download the risk analysis as a PDF if you wish to do so. 

If you have created the risk analysis before (dato), you will also have a copy of the risk analysis in the document archive. All risk analyses created after (dato) will only be possible to download as a PDF from the detail page. 

Revise the risk analysis

If you click on the arrow in the column for revisions, you will get an overview of all the revisions you have made of the risk analysis. To make a new revision, click on "New revision". All the information you have filled out in the latest version of the risk analysis will then be automatically filled in, so you only have to change the things you want. Now you can, for example, add more risks, edit the existing ones, change assessments or add more existing measures.

In the last step where you create an action plan with new risk-reducing measures/tasks, you can also see which measures you have already created in the previous versions. Regardless of how many revisions you make of a risk analysis, all measures enter the same action plan. When you complete your revision, all new measures will be added to the action plan, together with the old ones.

If you wish, you can also add measures without doing a completely new revision of the risk analysis. In the overview of the action plan, you can add measures by clicking on "Add" under the relevant risk.

Full overview of all actionplans

If you have made many different risk analyses, it can be difficult to remember all measures and who has been set as responsible for them. Users with the user type Admin and users with the role Safety representative can therefore see a full overview of all measures from all action plans, by clicking on "All measures" directly below Risk analysis in the menu on the left.