How do I register vacation and absence?

Read about how you can register both vacation and absence in the calendar.

Start by clicking on the icon for Calendar in the menu on the left, and click on "Personal calendar". This is your calendar where you can register vacation and other types of absence. Team managers and administrators can also see the calendars of their employees.

In the box on the right, accumulated values are shown for the calendar year on which the calendar is on. This means that the number of days spent on the various types of absence this calendar year, is summed up here. You can see detailed information about what dates the absences has been registered on, by clicking on Details 


To register a new absence, click on the day on which you wish to register the absence. You will then be given a choice about the type of absence you wish to register. Choose between which dates you want to register and add a comment to the person who will process the request.

When the request is waiting for a response, it will be yellow in the calendar. When it is yellow, you can make changes to the request or delete it completely, by clicking on it and choosing what you want to do.


If it gets approved, it will be shown in green. Then you can no longer edit or delete the absence, but if needed, it can be done by an admin user.

If it has been rejected it turns red. By clicking on the absence, the reason for the rejection is then displayed. When it has been rejected you can both edit and delete it. If you edit the request and click "Send in" it will be submitted as a new request.

Administrators and team managers can see and add absences in the calendar for the employees they are responsible for. Click at "Employees" to switch which employee you are looking at, choose the employee in the dropdown and click "ok". The calendar and the accumulated values that are now shown is the employee's. The name of the employee will always be shown at the top of the page. You cannot look at several employees at the same time. 

Red and blue messages

If you are met by a red message in the window when you click on "Send in", it is because you have tried to register a vacation or absence that does not follow the rules which has been set up for the company. This means that you cannot register this absence by yourself, but the team manager or the administrator can do it for you. These rules are set up by the administrator in company settings.

If you are a team manager or administrator, you can also be met by a blue message in the window when you click "Send in". This will happen if you register a vacation or absence, which does not follow the rules, for one of your employees. This message is only information that the maximum values are exceeded during registration, but you will not be prevented from registering it. This can, for example, be done if there is a special case when an absence is to be approved despite the fact that it does not follow the rules in the system. The employee cannot then do it themselves, but the department head or administrator can do it for them.