How do I control the accesses in the system?

Here you will learn about how you can control who is allowed to do what in the system.

Control accesses as admin

Users with user type Admin can choose what kind of access the various roles in the system should have.

This is done on Role settings, which you can find if you click on the settings icon at the top right, and then click "Roles".


By clicking on a role, you can choose what the users with this role should be able to do. If the button is on, they will be able to create new and edit. If the button is off, they will only be able to see what has been created. You cannot change the access for admin users, they will always have access to everything, regardless of their role. If you are unsure which users have the various roles, you can click on "Show users" to see all users with that role.


Are you unsure about what role or usertype someone has?

To see your own role and user type, you can click on the icon with the man at the top right, and then select "User" and your user type and role will be displayed.


To see another user's role and user type, you can see this under "My employees". Here you can click on the employee to get details. The user type and role will also be displayed.