How do I add my employees?

Here you find out how to create users for your employees in the system.

When your company is created in our system, we create a main administrator. This person receives an email to activate their account, and can then use the system. It is this main administrator who must add the others in the company who should have access to the system. This is done by clicking on the menu item "My employees" and then "New".

When you click, you will be asked if you want to create just one user, or several. If you choose to create just one, you must fill in all the employee information in seven steps. This is for example what type of user, what licenses and what position the employee has.

If you choose to create several users at the same time, you do not need to fill in as much information about the employees. You must fill in the name, username, licenses and role, but all other information must be filled in by the employee themself when they log in for the first time.

You can't save what you fill in here, so if you don't finish and then leave the page, you'll have to start all over again next time.

When you have filled in all the information and click finish, the user or users will be created in the system and an email to activate the account will be sent to the email address you have registered. Now the employee has 30 days to verify their user and activate the account to use the system. If the employee still has not activated their account after 30 days, you can send a new activation link by clicking on "Activate Emails". New links will then be sent to all employees who have not yet activated their email. Those who have activated their user will not receive any email.

The email is sent in Norwegian and looks like the picture below. By clicking on the text highlighted in green, you will be sent to our website with further instructions. You must log in to the browser the first time, and then you can log in to the app as well.